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    Discover your home's full potential with the best accessibility solutions!

      Home2stay European Wet Room Conversion Kits

      Home2stay European Wet Room Conversion Kits

      Achieve your dream bathroom that is not only beautiful, but also accessible, safe and functional.

      A curbless shower, also known as the European Wet Room, eliminates the largest physical barrier in the bathroom- the bathtub. It is designed to open up the bathroom, making the floor seamless by blending the whole space together as one. This changes the functional dynamics of the room and serves as a new design statement.

      The wet room was originally invented as a healthcare solution by the Trending Accessibility’s global team in 1980. It has not only been a popular and proven solution for many commercial healthcare problems, but also seen as a luxury shower component (even trending hot on HOUZZ).

      Options for different shower pan styles and drain shapes fit varied design tastes.

      The European Wet Room Conversion Kit can be utilized in remodeling and new construction, residentially and commercially. There is a solution for every construction application.

      CONTACT US for a price quote customized to your needs.

      Technical Information

      • Available in nine sizes
      • With the Standard Fusion Shower Pan, the intire floor can be a shower
      • Our system can be utilized in residential, commercial, and institutional projects, remodeling or new construction
      • Formed from GRP (Glass Reinforced Plastic) and has solid core. It is extremly tough and rigid; load bearing up to 550 pounds with basic bracing. Extra bracing substantially increases the load capacity
      • 7/8″ thick (at the parimeter) and has four pitch planes with built in gradients/slope to assure efficient positive flow of the water towards the drain
      • Can be installed on wood joists, on subfloor,recessed in concrete, and surface mounted on concrete
        Shower pan can be trimmed in the field up to two inches around the perimeter
      • Wet Room Shower System comes with liquid waterproof membrane, crack isolated tape, and appropriate drain
        Can be rotated 180° to avoid a joist or align closer to existing plumbing




      Starts at $$10,500.00 plus installation.

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      Accessibility solutions to make everyday home life easier and safer for yourself and your loved ones.

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