Discover your home's full potential with the best accessibility solutions!

    Discover your home's full potential with the best accessibility solutions!

      Home2stay Vinyl Folding Grab Bar

      Home2stay Vinyl Folding Grab Bar

      Vinyl coating provides anti-microbial protection, superior grip, and feels warmer to the hands. Anti-microbial properties will reduce 99.9% of bacteria, microbes and fungi for a significantly cleaner bathroom.

      Smart design- no finger pinch points. Superior tension system prevents bar from falling.

      Designed not to break and are backed up with the Ponte Giulio lifetime warranty – if it breaks, it will be replaced.

      Comes in 3 lengths: 24″, 28″, 32″

      This is a non-stock item (turnaround time of 2 to 3 weeks).

      CONTACT US for a price quote customized to your needs.


      Technical Information


      Ponte Giulio


      Starts at $

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      Accessibility solutions to make everyday home life easier and safer for yourself and your loved ones.

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