Discover your home's full potential with the best accessibility solutions!

    Discover your home's full potential with the best accessibility solutions!

      Home2stay VSL Curb-Sider Interior Lift

      Home2stay VSL Curb-Sider Interior Lift

      Bruno’s dependable hoist-style lift for scooters and powerchairs, the Curb-Sider’s space-efficient design lets you keep your third-row seating when a mobility device isn’t present.

      Stand by the bumper, connect a docking device, push a button and the Curb-Sider lifts and stows your mobility device.

      CONTACT US for a price quote customized to your needs.

      Technical Information




      Starts at $$4,250.00 + installation

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      Accessibility solutions to make everyday home life easier and safer for yourself and your loved ones.

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