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      3 Bathroom Injuries and How to Avoid Them

      What are the most common bathroom injuries

      1. Broken bones
      2. Bruises and contusion
      3. Spinal injuries

      How can you avoid injuries in the bathroom?

      1. Install grab bars
      2. Tub cuts addition
      3. Use non-slip mats and rugs
      4. Use ADA-compliant faucets


      • In this article, we explore the common bathroom injuries that can occur in what should be a sanctuary of cleanliness and relaxation.
      • Bathroom-related bruises and contusions usually result from unintended collisions with fixtures, sharp countertop edges, or the bathtub.
      • Covering bathroom safety, the guidelines involve installing grab bars, adding tub cuts, using non-slip mats, and ADA-compliant faucets for enhanced user safety.

      The bathroom is a place for cleanliness and relaxation, but it can also be a spot where accidents can occur. Anyone, regardless of age or gender, can experience accidents in a place with potential hazards. By using appropriate equipment, bathroom accidents and injuries can be prevented.

      In this article, we will discuss the most common bathroom injuries and how to avoid them. Read on to find out about what tools and additions can be applied to a bathroom to make it a safe space for each use.

      Broken Bones

      Broken Bones

      Bathroom injuries, often resulting in broken bones, are a common concern due to slippery surfaces and unexpected falls.

      Despite being spaces of cleanliness and relaxation, bathrooms can pose risks, especially when wet tiles, shower floors, and bath mats become treacherous. These accidents can happen to anyone at any time.

      If you’ve ever felt a moment of instability while bathing, you’ve sensed the potential danger. By taking necessary precautions and staying alert, we can transform our bathrooms into safe havens of tranquility.

      Bruises and Contusion

      Injuries like bruises and contusions in the bathroom often occur when individuals accidentally collide with fixtures and elements.

      These injuries can vary in severity, ranging from minor superficial bruises to more painful and deep contusions. The bathroom contains numerous hard surfaces and sharp edges, which can leave lasting reminders of these encounters after accidental bumps.

      It’s essential to address these risks and make your bathroom safe and well-organized. This reduces the chances of unfortunate incidents.

      Spinal Injuries

      Although relatively rare in the bathroom, spinal injuries are among the most severe and life-altering consequences of a fall. These injuries often result from significant accidents, typically involving a slip in the shower or bathtub, leading to a traumatic impact on the spine.

      Ensuring that your bathroom is equipped with the necessary safety features, such as grab bars, non-slip mats, and adequate lighting, can reduce the risk of these catastrophic accidents. Raising awareness about bathroom safety is crucial to prevent these rare but potentially life-changing injuries.

      How Do You Avoid Injuries in the Bathroom?

      Accidents and injuries in the bathroom often result from insufficient precautions, affecting various groups, including children, retirees, and individuals with disabilities.

      Extensive research has highlighted the significant importance of bathroom safety, particularly for older adults and individuals with limited mobility. It highlights the serious need for the implementation of preventive measures to guarantee a secure bathroom environment.

      To mitigate the risk of future injuries, consider the following guidelines to establish a secure and safe environment in your home.

      Install Grab Bars

      Install Grab Bars

      To prevent broken bones, keep your bathroom floor dry and slip-resistant. Use non-slip mats or adhesive strips in the shower or bath. Install suitable grab bars for support, especially for those with reduced mobility. Be careful when getting in and out of the shower or bathtub.

      In case you missed it: How to Choose the Right Grab Bars for Your Bathroom

      Tub Cuts Addition

      If you have difficulty stepping over the edge of the bathtub, a tub cut addition can be a practical solution. With the incorporation of tub cuts, minimal movement will be applied when you’re taking a relaxing bath.

      For retirees or those with mobility issues, this bathroom feature offers relief during bathing. It involves cutting a section of the tub’s side and creating a lower step-in area for easier and safer access to the shower or bath.

      Use Non-Slip Mats and Rugs

      Non-slip mats and rugs can significantly reduce the risk of slipping on wet bathroom surfaces.

      After getting out of the shower, the risk of slipping and falling is higher; thus, bathroom additions are a must to prevent accidents. Place these mats inside and outside the shower or bathtub and in front of the sink and toilet, where there is access to water.

      Use ADA-Compliant Faucets

      ADA-compliant faucets are designed with user safety in mind. They often feature lever handles, which are easier to grip and operate, reducing the risk of scalding burns or injuries when turning on the water. These features help all bathroom users, but mostly people with mobility issues, to have ease in grasping the faucet and minimal difficulty occupying the bathroom.

      Read more here: 7 Tips on How to Make an Accessible Bathroom

      Key Takeaway

      To ensure you and your family’s safety in and out of the bathroom, note these common bathroom injuries and how to avoid them.

      These features make every bathroom accessible to provide full relief not just to persons with mobility issues but to build a universal restroom for all.

      Home2stay is a provider of home accessibility solutions, making homes a universal access. Make your home a safe space for everyone when you contact us for any of our services and products here!


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